Lucas Mason-Brown

I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at UT Austin. Previously, I was a Titchmarsh research fellow in the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford and a Nicholas Kurti Junior Research Fellow at Brasenose College. I completed my PhD at MIT in 2020 under the supervision of David Vogan

I study the connections between representation theory, symplectic geometry, and the Langlands program. I am particularly interested in using geometric tools to study unitary representations of Lie groups.

Here is a talk I delivered at IHES on Arthur’s Conjectures and the Orbit Method.


  • The FPP Conjecture for Real Reductive Groups (joint with Dougal Davis, arXiv)
  • Unipotent Representations of Complex Groups and Extended Sommers Duality (joint with Dmytro Matvieievskyi and Shilin Yu, arXiv)
  • The Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Supercuspidal Representations (arXiv, Algebra and Number Theory)
  • Restricting Representations from a Complex Group to a Real Form (arXiv, International Mathematics Research Notices)
  • Regular Functions on the K-Nilpotent Cone (arXiv, Representation Theory)
  • Arthur’s Conjectures and the Orbit Method for Real Reductive Groups (arXiv)
  • Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations II (joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Emile Okada, arXiv)
  • Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations I (joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Emile Okada, arXiv)
  • Some Unipotent Arthur Packets of Reductive p-adic Groups (joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Emile Okada, arXiv, International Mathematics Research Notices)
  • Unipotent ideals and Harish-Chandra bimodules (joint with Ivan Losev and Dmitryo Matvieievskyi, arXiv)
  • Unipotent ideals for Spin and Exceptional Groups (joint with Dmitryo Matvieievskyi, arXiv, Journal of Algebra)
  • Unipotent Representations Attached to the Principal Nilpotent Orbit (arXiv, Representation Theory)
  • Unipotent Representations and Microlocalization (arXiv, Representation Theory)
  • Decoding Roger Williams: The Lost Essay of Rhode Island's Founding Father (link to Amazon)

  • The FPP Conjecture for  Real Reductive Groups (joint with Dougal, Davis, arXiv)
  • Unipotent Representations of Complex Groups and Extended Sommers Duality (joint with Dmytro Matvieievskyi and Shilin Yu, arXiv)
  • The Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Supercuspidal Representations (arXiv, Algebra and Number Theory)
  • Restricting Representations from a Complex Group to a Real Form (arXiv, International Mathematics Research Notices)
  • Regular Functions on the K-Nilpotent Cone (arXiv, Representation Theory)
  • Arthur’s Conjectures and the Orbit Method for Real Reductive Groups (arXiv,)
  • Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations II (joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Emile Okada, arXiv)
  • Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations I (joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Emile Okada, arXiv)
  • Some Unipotent Arthur Packets of Reductive p-adic Groups (joint with Dan Ciubotaru and Emile Okada, arXiv, International Mathematics Research Notices)
  • Unipotent ideals and Harish-Chandra bimodules (joint with Ivan Losev and Dmitryo Matvieievskyi, arXiv)
  • Unipotent ideals for Spin and Exceptional Groups (joint with Dmitryo Matvieievskyi, arXiv, Journal of Algebra)
  • Unipotent Representations Attached to the Principal Nilpotent Orbit (arXiv, Representation Theory)
  • Unipotent Representations and Microlocalization (arXiv, Representation Theory)

  • Decoding Roger Williams: The Lost Essay of Rhode Island's Founding Father (link to Amazon)